If you have excess tissue, skin, or fat in your chest, it could be a sign that you have gynecomastia. Gynecomastia is a common condition in males and can be a heavy burden on your self-esteem. If you have gynecomastia and are unhappy with your chest, male breast reduction may be the solution. 

What is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is a common condition that can occur when the body produces too much estrogen or has low testosterone levels, which causes the breasts to enlarge. Gynecomastia can affect males of all ages but most commonly develops during puberty and any other stages in life where you may experience hormone imbalances. The following factors may cause gynecomastia:

  • Thyroid disease 
  • Obesity
  • Liver disease 
  • Anxiety and depression medication
  • Medication for treating high blood pressure
  • Heartburn medication
Gynecomastia Winter Park

*Individual Results May Vary

How to Know if You Have Gynecomastia

A healthcare provider will perform a physical exam to assess if you have gynecomastia. A symptom of gynecomastia can include a small growth under the nipple. This lump can occur in either one or both of the breasts that may be tender to the touch. You may also experience excess breast skin as a result of gynecomastia. During your consultation at Winter Park Plastic Surgery, Dr. Scott Greenberg will recommend whether gynecomastia surgery is the right option for you.  

What Can I Do to Treat Gynecomastia?

Though gynecomastia may correct itself after weight loss or puberty, in some cases, the fat deposits may be resistant to exercise or do not go away on their own. At Winter Park Plastic Surgery, we offer a variety of procedures to treat gynecomastia. 

Treatment options include:

  • Liposuction
  • Excision 
  • A combination of liposuction and excision

Dr. Greenberg will assess which treatment is best for you based on the cause and attributes of your gynecomastia to create a more masculine chest. Each patient is unique, so the best way to learn about your customized treatment is to book a consultation with Dr. Greenberg.

Gynecomastia Consultations Available

What is Recovery Like From Gynecomastia?

During recovery from gynecomastia, you will need to wear a compression garment as well as light dressings or bandages to minimize swelling and support your chest as it heals. You may need to wait at least one week to return to work. If your job involves lifting heavy objects and other manual labor, you will need to wait for a more extended period. You will need to refrain from strenuous exercise and activities while you are recovering.

Dr Greenberg And Staff are Great!! He listens to your preferences and explains procedure in detail from start to finish. I am So pleased with my results.!! Very professional and reassuring. Couldn’t have made a better choice!

Take the Next Step

If you’d like to learn more about gynecomastia, schedule a consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Scott A. Greenberg at Winter Park Plastic Surgery & Laser Center in Winter Park, FL (serving the Central Florida area). (407) 644-3137

*Individual results may vary