Asking for help with losing weight can be a struggle. Most of us have been told that if we tried harder, the weight would disappear. Research has repeatedly shown that this myth does not reflect how weight loss really works. Semaglutide helps you eat less without craving food. This medication offers a tool to boost your weight loss efforts. 

What is Semaglutide?

Semaglutide is a medication originally developed for type 2 diabetes because it affects how the body makes and responds to insulin. Semaglutide is a weekly injection that affects hunger signals and appetite. People who receive these injections feel less desire to eat and do not experience the food cravings that cause so many healthy eating plans to go awry. Semaglutide is sold under several brand names and compounded in specialty pharmacies. 

Liposuction Winter Park

*Individual Results May Vary

How Does Semaglutide Help With Weight Loss?

Semaglutide works by mimicking an important peptide’s activity that affects brain hunger signals. GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide type 1) peptide affects appetite and metabolism. Semaglutide affects the same receptors as GLP-1, your feelings of hunger and desire to eat. As a result, you eat less without feeling deprived or craving more. Semaglutide works best when combined with a weight management program of nutrition and physical activity. 

Am I a Good Candidate for Semaglutide?

Semaglutide is a safe, effective option for many people, but not everyone. People with type 1 diabetes should not use semaglutide. You might not be a good candidate if you have a history of certain cancers, thyroid or pancreas problems, or kidney function concerns. Semaglutide is also not recommended for those who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Ideal candidates are prepared to make lifestyle changes that will enhance and maintain their results. 

Semaglutide for Weight Loss Consultations Available

What Results Will I See With Semaglutide for Weight Loss? 

While most weight loss strategies provide minimal results, semaglutide has been proven to work. Average patients in one study lost about 15% of their body weight or 33 pounds. While not everyone will achieve these results, the majority of those in these studies lost a significant percentage of their body weight. 

Semaglutide does not produce permanent weight reduction. You will likely regain weight if you stop taking semaglutide and return to your old eating habits. Learning healthier lifestyle choices and starting a physical activity routine in conjunction with semaglutide will provide your best, longest-lasting results. 

Are There Any Side Effects with Semaglutide?

Serious side effects from semaglutide are rare but can occur. The most common problems people experience are gastrointestinal issues. Some people notice nausea or diarrhea, but these are not usually serious enough to make them stop using semaglutide. Our experienced team will monitor your progress and help you address any concerns that may arise. 

Dr Greenberg And Staff are Great!! He listens to your preferences and explains procedure in detail from start to finish. I am So pleased with my results.!! Very professional and reassuring. Couldn’t have made a better choice!

Take the Next Step

If you’d like to learn more about semaglutide for weight loss, schedule a consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Scott A. Greenberg and his team at Winter Park Plastic Surgery & Laser Center in Winter Park, FL (serving the Central Florida area). (407) 644-3137

*Individual results may vary