Male Liposuction

If you’re a man interested in liposuction, you may have different aesthetic objectives than a woman who wants to undergo liposuction. Dr. Greenberg is highly experienced and knowledgeable with male liposuction, as he can help male patients achieve their aesthetic goals without making them look as though they’ve undergone plastic surgery.

Male Liposuction Before & After Winter Park, Fl

*Individual results may vary

What is Male Liposuction?

Liposuction is a technique that removes localized fat deposits from your body using fine tubes called cannulae that are attached to a suction pump. It is the second most common surgical procedure, after breast augmentation, and is a safe and effective way of targeting fat deposits that do not respond well to dieting and exercise. It should not be thought of as a cure for general obesity but is an effective method of body contouring.

Popular areas that men seek liposuction for include gynecomastia, abdomen, neck, buttocks, and flabby arms and legs.

Candidates for Male Liposuction

In general, the best candidates for liposuction have good overall health, elastic skin, are of relatively normal weight, and have localized fat deposits resistant to diet and exercise, identifiable as regions that do not diminish in proportion with the rest of the body following weight loss. All candidates should be healthy nonsmokers with realistic expectations for this procedure.

How Does It Work?

Liposuction is performed on an outpatient basis at our accredited in-office surgical facility. Dr. Greenberg generally uses general anesthesia for the procedure, as it gives you the greatest degree of safety and comfort, and allows the most effective treatment of all targeted areas.

Dr. Greenberg uses the super-wet technique, ultrasonic-assisted liposuction where the area to be treated is injected with a wetting solution and VASER ultrasound is applied. Dr. Greenberg feels that this technique allows for less swelling and bruising, less discomfort, quicker recovery, and excellent results.


Depending on where your male liposuction was performed, results can usually be seen right away. However, final results are usually visible after all swelling and bruising have gone down (about three to six months).


When you leave the surgical facility, you will wear compression garments over the liposuction-treated areas. These help your body heal by limiting swelling, bruising and discomfort. You will be bruised and swollen from the liposuction, but the bruising and swelling should diminish within a few weeks, and any lost sensation should be restored by this time. You should be able to return to work after one week and resume all vigorous activities, including exercise, recreational sports, and sex, within three weeks.

Take the Next Step

If you’d like to learn more, schedule a consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Scott A. Greenberg at Winter Park Plastic Surgery & Laser Center in Winter Park, FL (serving the Central Florida area). 407-644-3137

*Individual results may vary