IPL PhotoFacial

Lasers have been used to reduce facial wrinkles for some time. However, the incidence of side effects (prolonged wound healing and post-treatment redness and hyperpigmentation of the skin) has not been satisfactory, nor has the period of “downtime” necessary to recover and see the final result. As a result, there has been growing interest to find a non-ablative (non-wound producing) method of skin rejuvenation that achieves a similar-type result without the undesirable side effects and downtime necessary for healing.

How Does IPL PhotoFacial Work?

BroadBand Light (BBL) treatments use broadband light which is similar to intense-pulsed light (IPL) laser-like technology to achieve improvement of skin texture, sun damage, irregular pigment, telangiectasias (blood vessels), rosacea and also improve large pores, fine lines and superficial acne scarring. These FotoFacial Rejuvenation treatments are recommended in a series of 3-5, each 2-3 weeks apart, giving progressive improvement.

These treatments may be combined with other laser treatments such as a MicroLaser peel or a ProFractional laser peel to address deeper areas of sun damage, wrinkles, acne scars, etc.

Am I a Good Candidate for an IPL PhotoFacial?

You’re a good candidate for IPL PhotoFacial treatments if you have sun-damaged skin and want to minimize the appearance of brown spots, freckles, and uneven skin tone. You should be in good health and have realistic expectations for this treatment.

How Long Does a Typical Treatment Take?

The typical IPL PhotoFacial treatment takes about 30 minutes to perform; you’ll likely need about three to five procedures done to achieve your desired results.

What Results Will I See?

During the first week after your procedure, your age spots may appear darker and crust over. After about 10 days, the crusting will resolve, and you’ll see your final results – clearer, younger-looking skin – within about one month.

Is There Any Downtime?

There’s no downtime associated with IPL PhotoFacial treatments. Be sure to wear sunscreen after each procedure, as your skin will be sensitive to the sun’s UV rays.

Take the Next Step

If you’d like to learn more, schedule a consultation with board certified plastic surgeon Scott A. Greenberg at Winter Park Plastic Surgery & Laser Center in Winter Park, FL (serving the Central Florida area). 407-644-3137