Male breast reduction – also known as gynecomastia surgery – has become more popular in recent years. In fact, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the number of gynecomastia surgery procedures went up by 36% from 2010. One explanation might be that as more men become comfortable with plastic surgery, they’re seeking out the powerful benefits that can come from male breast reduction.

However, one question that might prevent men from undergoing male breast reduction revolves around the recovery time. Will they have to take off weeks from work? Will the recovery period be painful?

In order to answer these questions, let’s take a look at the recovery for male breast reduction.

Male Breast Reduction Winter Park

It’s shorter than you think.

Gynecomastia recovery doesn’t require months or even several weeks of your time; in fact, most patients complete their recovery period in as little as two weeks. That’s because male breast reduction is essentially a liposuction procedure, where glandular tissue and excess fat are removed in order to reveal a flatter, more masculine chest.

You’ll need to wear a compression garment.

One of the main things you can do to speed along your recovery period is to keep on your compression garment. It will help reduce post-op swelling and bruising, plus it will help you maintain the flatter appearance of your chest.

Expect to take a couple of days off.

At most, you’ll probably need to take 2 to 5 days off work in order to recover from your gynecomastia surgery. If you work a more manual job, you may need to take more time off, as you’ll be prohibited from lifting heavy objects for the first one to two weeks. Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Scott Greenberg will advise you as to when you can safely return back to work.

Take the Next Step

Want to learn more about the recovery for male breast reduction? Schedule a consultation with Dr. Greenberg at Winter Park Plastic Surgery & Laser Center in Winter Park, FL (serving the Central Florida area). (407) 644-3137